The Vision of Catholic Education
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, it is your right and your duty to become the primary role models for the development of your child’s life---physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. Your choice of St. Francis Catholic School involves a commitment and exhibits a concern for helping your child to recognize God as the greatest good in his or her life. It is a privilege for us to partner with you in the education of your child.
Good example is the strongest teacher. Our personal relationships with God, with each other, and with the Church community will affect the way your child relates to God and others. Ideals taught in school are not well rooted in the child unless these are nurtured by the example of Christian morality and by an honest personal relationship with God in family life.
Together, let us commit to partnership as we support one another in helping your child become the best person God is calling him or her to be.
Teacher Expertise
We are constantly refining and re-evaluating the tools and strategies we use to help your child learn. Our teachers average over 20 years in the classroom, and we combine that depth of experience with flexibility in finding the right methods to teach your child. Several times a year, teachers make time for professional development training to hone their skills and learn new ways of guiding your child to success.